Tg pro fertilizsers
Tg pro fertilizsers

tg pro fertilizsers

  • Calibration is probably the most important aspect of using a lawn spreader.
  • And it’s that easy with the expert help of ” If you run out of product before you are at the end of the 1,000 sq feet, your setting is too high. If you have product left at the end, your setting is too low. Start with a medium setting on your spreader, then apply the determined amount of product by walking at your normal pace. Add the recommended amount to your spreader.

    tg pro fertilizsers

    You would add three pounds of product to the spreader and walk at your normal pace over the area. For example, use three pounds of product per thousand square feet. Determine the amount of product you need per one thousand feet by reading the product directions. Mark off an area that is a thousand square feet or 20 feet by 50 feet.


    Let show you how to figure it out and get the job done like a pro. “Figuring out the correct spreader settings for your needs can be confusing. Using Your Lawn Spreader Correctly Correct Lawn Spreader Settings (Video): The hole sizes are adjustable and the product is only dropped in the range of where the holes are. There are holes lined up along the bottom with an agitator to distribute the product through the holes. Drop spreaders: This type of spreader is generally more precise, yet slower in application.Often times you will have to work in an overlapping pattern, because the margins of the drop patterns often contain less material. The drop pattern of these spreaders is wider than the hopper itself. The granules fall through the holes onto a rotating plate that spreads the product out on the ground. Broadcast spreaders: These spreaders have a hopper that you put your granular product in, with one to three holes on the bottom, which can be adjusted and closed.Most commonly you will find broadcast spreaders, also called rotary spreaders, and drop spreaders. You also need to consider what type of spreader you need. If the settings of the spreader can be modified.The characteristics of the product you plan to use.You need to figure in several factors when choosing a spreader: This information was taken directly from AgroLiquid's website.Misusing your spreader or choosing the wrong style can cause you to waste your time and money when you apply your product. Apply as a planter placement, broadcast, top dress, sidedress, foliar, or fertigation.Ideal for stimulating strong and early growth.Supplies phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, and iron.With a lower nutrient concentration in a more powerful formula, PrG is safe to use at planter time, while still providing the nutrients required.

    tg pro fertilizsers

    The long phosphorus chains in Pro-Germinator protect this nutrient until the plant is ready to use it, resulting in increased efficiency and maximum uptake. Pro-Germinator (PrG) contains both orthophosphate and carbon-protected polymer phosphate to provide readily-available, and controlled-release phosphorus with minimal danger of tie-up in the soil. This combination can supply your crop’s complete phosphorus needs in a single application, early in the season. Pro-Germinator® (PrG) is a liquid phosphorus fertilizer supplying nitrogen, potassium, and iron in addition to phosphate phosphorus. Pro-Germinator ® (PRG) Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer

    Tg pro fertilizsers